Date Requested: Feb 19 2025 2:10 AM

TW Transactional Reporting Capacity Release

TSP Name: Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC (TSP: 007933047)

Gas Day: 04/22/2024

K Holder Name K Holder Affil Releaser Name Releaser Svc Req K K Qty-K K Beg Date K End Date Offer No Rel K K Ent Beg Date K Ent Beg Time K Ent End Date K Ent End Time Terms / Notes Rate ID Max Trf Rate Ref Rate Chgd - Non-IBR Rate Chgd - IBR Surchg Ind Rate Sch IBR Ind Mkt Based Rate Ind Res Rate Basis Rate Form/Type Min Vol Pct Seasnl St Seasnl End Loc / QTI Loc Purp Desc Loc Name Loc Loc Zn K Qty-Loc Recall/Reput Recall Notif Timely Recall Notif EE Recall Notif Eve Recall Notif ID1 Recall Notif ID2 Recall Notif ID3 Bus Day Ind Repl SR Role Ind Perm Rel Prearr Deal RAPP Prev Rel All Re-rel Rpt Lvl K Stat Amend Rptg TSP TSP Name Post Date Post Time

Comments and Notes:

Amendments to temporary capacity release replacement contracts relate only to point realignments and will trigger a similar amendment to the releasing contract on the Firm Transactional Report.
Amendments to permanent capacity release replacement contracts will be reported under the Firm Transactional Report.
Affiliate Indicator refers to the relationship between the replacement shipper and the releasing shipper and transportation service provider.
Special Terms relate to text provided by the releasing/replacement shippers on the capacity release transactions.
Replacement shipper will be charged the commodity rate plus applicable surcharges. Refer to Matrix Rates under Rates.
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K Holder Name - Contract Holder Name

K Holder - Contract Holder

Affil - Affiliate Indicator
BOTH - Both
NONE - None
RS - Releasing Shipper
TSP - Transportation Service Provider

Releaser Name - Releaser Name

Releaser - Releaser

Svc Req K - Service Requester Contract

K Qty-K - Contractual Quantity - Contract

K Beg Date - Contract Begin Date

K End Date - Contract End Date

Offer No - Offer Number

Rel K - Releaser Contract Number

K Ent Beg Date - Contract Entitlement Begin Date

K Ent Beg Time - Contract Entitlement Begin Time

K Ent End Date - Contract Entitlement End Date

K Ent End Time - Contract Entitlement End Time

Terms / Notes - Terms/Notes, Recall/Reput Terms, RAPP Terms, Terms/Notes-AMA
Special Terms & Miscellaneous Notes, Recall/Reput Terms, Right to Amend Primary Points Terms, Special Terms and Miscellaneous Notes-AMA Obligations

Rate ID - Rate Identification Code
RES - Reservation
VOL - Volumetric

Max Trf Rate Ref - Maximum Tariff Rate Reference
T - Tariff

Rate Chgd - Non-IBR - Rate Charged - Non-IBR

Rate Chgd - IBR - Rate Charged - IBR

Surchg Ind - Surcharge Indicator
1 - Rate(s) stated include all applicable surcharges; no surcharge detail or surcharge total provided

Rate Sch - Rate Schedule

IBR Ind - IBR Index-Based Capacity Release Indicator
N - No - the release does not utilize index-based pricing for capacity release
Y - Yes - the release does utilize index-based pricing for capacity release

Mkt Based Rate Ind - Market-Based Rate Indicator
N - No
Y - Yes

Res Rate Basis - Reservation Rate Basis
DA - Per day

Rate Form/Type - Rate Form Type Code
1 - Reservation Charge Only
2 - Volumetric Charge Only

Min Vol Pct - Minimum Volumetric Commitment Percentage

Seasnl St - Seasonal Start Date

Seasnl End - Seasonal End Date

Loc / QTI - Location/Quantity Type Indicator
2 - Delivery point(s) quantity
1 - Receipt point(s) quantity

Loc Purp Desc - Location Purpose Description
Delivery Location
Receipt Location

Loc Name - Location Name

Loc - Location

Loc Zn - Location Zone

K Qty-Loc - Contractual Quantity - Location

Recall/Reput - Recall/Reput Indicator
NO - Capacity not recallable
RD - Capacity recallable and reput must be taken by replacement shipper
YD - Capacity recallable but not reputtable
OD - Capacity recallable by releasing shipper and reputtable at the option of the replacement shipper

Recall Notif Timely - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Timely
N - No
Y - Yes

Recall Notif EE - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Early Evening
N - No
Y - Yes

Recall Notif Eve - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Evening
N - No
Y - Yes

Recall Notif ID1 - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 1
N - No
Y - Yes

Recall Notif ID2 - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 2
N - No
Y - Yes

Recall Notif ID3 - Recall Notification Period Indicator - Intraday 3
N - No
Y - Yes

Bus Day Ind - Business Day Indicator
N - No
Y - Yes

Repl SR Role Ind - Replacement Shipper Role Indicator
AMA - Asset Management Arrangement
OTH - Other
RCP - Retail Choice

Perm Rel - Permanent Release Indicator
1 - Capacity is being permanently released
2 - Capacity is not being permanently released

Prearr Deal - Prearranged Deal Indicator
2 - Offer is not subject to a prearranged deal
1 - Offer is subject to a prearranged deal

RAPP - Right to Amend Primary Points Indicator
NO - No
YC - Yes, conditionally
YU - Yes, unconditionally

Prev Rel - Previously Released Indicator
2 - Offer does not contain any capacity which was previously released
1 - Offer contains, in total or in part, capacity which was previously released

All Re-rel - Allowable Re-release Indicator
N - Not Re-releasable
Y - Re-releasable

Rpt Lvl - Rate Reporting Level
K - Contract

K Stat - Contract Status
A - Amended
C - Corrected / Updated
N - New

Amend Rptg - Amendment Reporting
A - All Data

TSP - Transportation Service Provider

TSP Name - Transportation Service Provider Name

Post Date - Posting Date

Post Time - Posting Time